A new provider of comprehensive genealogical services - tailored to your needs.

Our network of partners and correspondents spans the entire globe and reaches over 100 countries.

We have successfully conducted research projects all over the US and all around the world.

We use state-of-the-art technology and digital resources as well as traditional research methods on-site in archives, libraries, etc.

While more and more digital depositories, databases, and primary sources become accessible online, sometimes it is important to have someone on the ground.

Our experience helps us to know where to look and what to look for - to get you the best results and peace of mind.

Genealogical Family Research

Are you looking for a family member on the other side of the world?

We use historical data and public domain sources to trace familial relations across time and distance.

Forensic Genealogical Research

Are you looking to find out who is entitled to inherit an estate?

We create a comprehensive report on kinship for legal inheritance. We create a family tree, procure the necessary documentation and records for evidence, and prepare our findings to be easy-to-follow and accessible.

Contact us for a free consultation today!


We are happy to provide an evaluation and estimate for our research services for your specific situation free of charge!